Presentation of Rikke Solberg Bruun in English
Rikke Solberg Bruun has a law degree from the University of Copenhagen in 1997.
She also studied law in France from 1994 to1995 and in Belgium at the College of Europe from 1995-1996.
Rikke Solberg Bruun worked in the Ministry of Defence from 1997 to 2004 and in the Personnel Service from 2004 to 2006.
From 2006 to 2012 Rikke Solberg Bruun worked in the Law Firm Arnoldus and became attorney at law in 2009 and partner in 2010. From 2012 to June 2018 she was partner in the Law Firm ADVODAN Bornholm.
In July 2018 she started the Law Firm Solberg Bruun.
Rikke Solberg Bruun’s main focuses are:
– Wills and inheritance
– Divorce
– Prenuptial agreements
– Divorce and children; custody, residence and contact
– Real Estate
– Estate administration
– Criminal Law
Rikke Solberg Bruun is a member of The Danish Bar and Law Society.
Rikke Solberg Bruun is also a member of the Danish Refugee Appeals Board (appointed upon nomination from the Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society).

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Advokatfirmaet Solberg Bruun sætter en ære i at rådgive på et højt fagligt niveau.
T: (+45) 56 95 25 00
Reg. nr. 0658
Konto nr. 4395-567-743
Her bor vi
Advokatfirmaet Solberg Bruun
Store Torv 15, 2.
3700 Rønne